Friday 26 February 2010

More blog love

Fresh after my post about wedding blog fatigue I thought it totally appropriate to list some of my current favourites.

Rock My Wedding and not just because they asked me to write a piece for them. UK based, featuring fab weddings and lovely creative ideas I love the writing style of RMW.

Anna and the Ring Well there can't be a bridal blogger out there who hasn't discovered Anna's witty and compelling blog. I read it for her eloquent turn of phrase not to mention her fab wedding commentary.

Black Eiffel claims to explore lifestyle and design. And it does. Well. Always brightens my day.

The Drifter and the Gypsy - There's photography,art, fashion just about everything for people who like pretty things apparently. That's definitely me.

Inspired to Share
Colleen's planning her wedding and sharing her journey and design inspiration along the way. There are simply too many delicious images on her site and I insist you take a look if you haven't already.

Lovely Clusters
is a shop where girls can browse handmade vintage items from creative artists and designers around the world and Rachel is their resident designer and blogger. She features everything from moodboards to interiors and I'm always happy when Google Reader tells me there's a new post.

This is Glamorous
does exactly what is says on the tin. I get lost in this blog for hours. Quite simply divine.

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Wedding blogs - gift or curse?

I've been thinking lately about wedding blogs and how they affect brides planning their big day. When I (and I imagine other wedding professionals) browse blogs I'm pretty much just excited about what I come across. My only negative feelings tend to be that I don't have time to go through them all in enough detail.

But I've been wondering whether the same is true of brides to be, or brides that are now wives but find they still love being part of the online wedding world.

If this applies to you do you find you're generally inspired by what you see on design blogs, photography blogs, and brides' personal blogs? Or is there a small part of you a little bit hollow inside because your wedding isn't or wasn't that creative/inspiring/pretty/insert any adjective here??

Wedding blogs and the internet have without a doubt changed the way brides can and do plan their big days. And I love them. But I just wonder if the flip side of all this wonderfulness leaves some brides (planning a perfectly fabulous day) feeling just a little inadequate?

What are your thoughts ladies?

Sunday 21 February 2010

Classic black and white

I've been coming across so much gorgeous colour in weddings recently and thought it would be nice to source out some clean, simple black and white images. Sometimes I like the endless possibilites of monochrome...

Sunday 14 February 2010

♥ hearts ♥

Here's some heart related joys for you on this romantic, (or totally commercial and cheesy) day.

Found this on the inspiring East Side Bride site.

And I'd quite enjoy wearing this too, which I found at A Cup of Jo.

I think I'm going to do this in my flat. Don't have a coloured wall to make the photos stand out but think it will still look cute. Thanks to Erin Ever After for this lovely image.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Up in the Air

We need more wedding photos like this please...

Tuesday 9 February 2010

Fabulous Receptions

The cool blue and warm mahogany are easy on the eye. Elegant and chic but with an outdoorsy vibe...

I do love ornate, elaborate receptions but always find myself drawn to simple affairs. Maybe it's because they can be done on much lower budgets and somehow this makes them all the more lovely. And this is a classic example of why. Picnic tables, table cloths and blooms in clear vases. And those sunflowers make it for me.

Um, how fabulous is this simple warehouse wedding reception? I discovered it whilst browsing the wondrous 100 Layer Cake. I like the exposed brickwork typical of warehouse spaces and the contrast with the elegant lines of the table cloths and the unfussy floral centrepieces. Great example of how keeping it simple can be most effective.

I like the contrast here between the yellow of the tablecloths and black chairs.

Friday 5 February 2010

Parasols and umbrellas

Props are a great way to add detail to wedding photos and umbrellas and parasols are good because of their versatility.

What other props do you think are good to use in wedding photos?

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Brides and their shoes

Great with short dresses or peeking out of long ones, it's all about the shoes...

A good way to pick up colour from your bouquet and a nice accompaniment to short dresses.

hurrah for sparkly shoes...

Love that little tattoo, been thinking about getting one of my foot too.

What style/colour shoes would you/did you go for on your big day? At the moment I'm loving short 50s dresses and think I'd go for teal or pink heels for the day and something totally different and comfortable later on. The best thing about being a planner and not yet married is that I'm surrounded by gorgeous wedding images and ideas and change my mind frequently about how my wedding will be!

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Bridesmaid style

First up is this treat from 100 Layer Cake. What is not to love about this bride and her gals?

Mismatched dresses? Check. Mismatched colourful bouquets? Check. Fabulous style? Yep, definitely. This is becoming more prevelant among weddings we're coming across and styles we're being asked about. It's all about mixing it up so it looks artfully thrown together in an effortless fashion.

In fact the whole wedding is pretty spectacular.

Next we have some vintage peach/coral/apricot from Green Wedding Shoes. The bride picked her colours from a paint chart and let her bridesmaids choose their dresses from that!

I know this has been floating around a lot of blogs but how incredible are these bridesmaids? Look at their tights! And sequinned jackets! This whole London wedding is overflowing with personality and style.